Saturday 15 June 2013

Game of Thrones: Texts from a first-time viewer's perspective

My friend Hannah recently started watching Game of Thrones for the first time, after months of me telling her to watch the series and/or (preferably) read the books.  I've instructed her to text me after each episode with her reactions, opinions, and so on - I love seeing the reactions of someone who hasn't already read the books, and to find someone who is just starting the series from scratch was like a goldmine to my (slightly sadist) mind.

I feel I should share these texts with the world, to allow others to experience the joy I feel at each and every plot point throughout the story.  I'll (hopefully) keep this page updated as Hannah progresses through the series.

As of today, as far as I'm aware she's watched the first four episodes of season 1.  Here are the texts so far - enjoy!

13th June 2013  -  Facebook

Hannah:  I am on s1e3
Emma:  So what just happened?
Hannah:  Bran (little boy) is awake.
Hannah:  Mrs Sean Bean knows that knife was the imp's
Hannah:  Incest is weird
Hannah:  The bastard is on the wall
Hannah:  Erm.  Scary killy things in the woods but nobody believes they're there
Hannah:  Blonde lady with horrible brother and sexy feral husband is preggers
Hannah:  Sean Bean's lovely tomboy daughter has just got sword lessons
Hannah:  And Lena Headey's son is a little prick and that poor beautiful dog got killed
Emma:  So.  Top 5 characters.  Go.
Hannah:  Arya
Hannah:  Imp
Hannah:  Bastard
Hannah:  Mrs Sean Bean
Emma:  (You don't know most people's actual names, do you? :-P )
Hannah:  Blonde lady with horrible brother and sexy feral husband
Hannah:  Not yet, no
Hannah:  There's a lot of characters!
Hannah:  I'm only three eps in!
Hannah:  I want to like Lena Headey but eh
(After I'd attempted to teach her a few of the character's names)
Hannah:  Initially I thought it was Bran but thought maybe I'd just mentally imposed breakfast on him
Emma:  Thoughts on Neddy Stark?
Hannah:  I'm not sure what to make of him yet.  I like his strong like justice and protection thing that seems to be going on, but that strength of him being so traditional is also a weakness that makes him seem like a bit of a cock
Hannah:  But I like his and Mrs. Sean Bean's relationship a lot
Emma:  And his and Arya's relationship
Hannah:  Yes!  I love that he got her sword lessons and let her keep needle

14th June 2013  -  Texts
Hannah 13:45  Now I've started GoT I want to read every article I see.  Such.  Will.  Power.  X

15th June 2013  -  Texts

Hannah  19:35  Watching episode 4.  Arya is so wonderful. x
Hannah  19:35  I do not like the chubby coward but I feel his character must develop positively.
Hannah  19:51  Are they going to shag.
Hannah  20:03  Mrs. Stark is so badass.
Emma  20:07  Arya's friend?
Emma  20:07  Arya is 9 years old!
Hannah  20:08  Nonono Snow and the chubby coward! X
Emma  20:37  Ohhh.  Samwise Gamgee.
Hannah  20:40  Lord Renley (?) and the jousting man are well shagging though.
Hannah  21:06  Gays.  Called it.

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